Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Win a Reading Every Month in 2012, the Biggest Competition I've Ever Done.

Hello and welcome to the biggest competition in Aravelle Angel history and something that I am very excited about.  Let me tell you a little bit more about it.

The Prizes

Let's face it, that's all anyone really wants to know about anyway!

  1. First Prize is a FREE reading every month for 2012 (that's 12 free readings)
  2. Second Prize is a FREE reading every 2 months for 2012 (that's 6 free readings)
  3. Third Prize is a FREE Looking Ahead Span reading worth £50!
How to Enter

There are 2 ways to enter the competition:

  1. Buy a reading (see terms and conditions below)
  2. Recommend someone who buys a reading (again see terms and conditions below).
Terms and Conditions

  • The competition runs from 1st November 2011 to 31st December 2011 and closes at midnight on 31st December 2011 GMT.  Entries received after this time will not be entered into the competition.
  • People who took part in the Free Upgrade Offer the week prior to the competition are already included in the competition however, their reading orders only constitute one entry at this time.
  • The reading span you order dictates how many entries you are given into the competition. 
    • Three Card Span = 1 entry
    • Heart Span = 2 entries
    • Angel Wing Span = 3 entries
    • Journey Cross Span = 4 entries
    • Looking Ahead Span = 5 entries
  • If you recommend a friend who buys a reading, the span they purchase is subject to the same number of entries above for both you and them.
  • People who have already entered the competition can earn extra entires by promoting Aravelle Angel through either Facebook or Twitter.
  • All 12 first prize readings will be the Heart Span.
  • All 6 second place readings will be the Three Card Span.
  • All winners will be notified by email on 1st January 2012.
  • Members of the Powerful Intentions Forum automatically get an extra entry upon entering the competition.
Good luck!

Love and Light
Helen xxx

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

How to Choose the Right Span for you

The Thanks But No Thanks Club

Quite a while ago now I wrote a post on a forum called Powerful Intentions.  This is something I often go back to because it really was an epiphany. I hope you find it helpful:

I'm starting a club. 

I'm always amazed by the amount of people on this forum (and everywhere else for that matter) who cannot understand how to accept the goodness and joy that is waiting for them.  I find that very sad.  I have done a lot of personal development work over the last (let me think now) 7 years and I wanted to start a club for those in the same place as me and those who are just starting out.  I am calling it the Thanks but No Thanks Club.

The first thing I learned about my own development was that it was stunted.  Mostly because I had no opinion of myself at allYes I had plenty of ideas about who I was and what I deserved and what I should be but none of them were mine.  It took a long time to work this out but when I did it was like an electric shock up my spine.  Not one thing I thought about myself was my view.  Nothing I thought about money, relationships, the outside world, politics etc etc was my idea.  Then it hit me, if they weren't my ideas where did they come from.

Every time I thought something I would ask myself, where has that come from, who said that to me in the first place?  It really helped me to identify the root of all this.  I started to imagine myself standing in an airport terminal with all these people around me trying to get me to carry their bags of issues for them so that they could walk around not carrying anything except their hand luggage.  I imagined how weighed down I had been.  I'm sure you would have just seen my eyes peering out of a pile of suitcases.  Enough was enough.  So when I thought something like 'I can't eat that it's fattening' I'd ask myself if Iactually thought I was fat?  Did I?  No.  So why not eat it?  Ok, that's the simple part -- where did that come from in the first place?  Someone who worried about their weight all their lives and was always overweight no matter whether they dieted or not.  What did I do?  I walked upto them in that airport terminal and handed them back a suitcase.  Smiled and said, 'I believe this is yours'.  Then I smiled and looked at all the other bags that would soon be handed back to their rightful owners.

Once I'd cleared the backlog of bags it was time to ensure that I didn't get anymore which meant I had to be mindful of the fact that I was taking on board these issues.  I hung on to a couple of pretty silk bags that were nice things people had said to me.  It was ok to keep those, as I agreed with those! :)  It was time to see these bags people were trying to hand me for what they were.  Someone else's issues that they couldn't deal with so they were passing them onto someone much more capable of dealing with this.  It's sort of a compliment really to think that someone thinks you can handle their stuff as well as your own but why the heck should you?

Say no, don't take the bag, let them carry it themselves!  Thanks but No Thanks.  It's getting easier every day to bat back these people wanting to pass me stuff to carry.  I used to want to help but now I realise that only they can help themselves.

So think about it, what do you really think about everything?  Yourself, the world, money, relationships?  Are they really your beliefs?  If not you need to get rid of these and form your own because these ideas of other people won't really ring true with your vibration and will stop you manifesting what you really want.

I don't know whether all this waffle will help anyone but I felt compelled to post it! :D

Love and Light
Helen xxx

Friday, 4 March 2011

The Most Important Relationship

One of the main areas I am asked to read about is the ever complex area of love and relationships.  Something I have to admit I have spent a lot of time thinking about and, as anyone who knows me from Powerful Intentions will know, I have not had much luck with love myself until this year.

Love and relationships really is a funny old business, it's supposed to be the easiest thing in the world and the most natural; but despite this it appears to cause heartache, pain and a great consumption of beer or chocolate.

Although it is hard to understand at first, the relationships we have with other people are the direct result of the relationship we have with ourselves.  Now, I can imagine a few people tutting at this or muttering I'm wrong, but unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), I am spot on. The majority of the time we know what we want, we ask for that 'perfect' person but we don't feel that we truly deserve that person or that this person wouldn't be interested in us if they met us.  And the ugly truth is, they wouldn't be because we don't appreciate ourselves, so why should they?

So what is the most important relationship?  The one you have with yourself.

Trust me, I know that this sounds like 'new age clap-trap' but it really is vitally important (new age thinking or not), and it is easier to do than you might think.  I know very few people who are entirely happy with who they are, although I am fortunate enough to have met a few gurus along the way who have mastered this and for that I feel blessed.  And, from them I have learned a lot and feel safe enough to say that I am not an expert in this and I haven't got it down pat, but I can help you get started as this is an ongoing process not an instant-fix.

Firstly you've got to accept that you are not perfect, and that you are never going to be anyone other than yourself.  That you are the most perfect version of you that there will ever be and that's all you have to be.  You.  Accepting who you are and learning to appreciate the little things about you that make you who you are is the first step to getting everything you want out of life.

So before you try to work on a relationship with someone else, take some time out to look at the one you have with yourself! 

Love and Light
Helen xxx

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Welcome to Aravelle Angel

Aravelle Angel as you may know is a company I created and started running in March 2010 (so not long until its first birthday!).  

I started performing oracle card readings about 7 ago because someone bought me a deck of Angel Cards because I thought they were beautifully illustrated.  I started to realise that although I did not seem to be able to read for myself I found reading and gathering messages for other people a sort of gift.  When I joined the Powerful Intentions community I began offering readings to people to help them, the demand for these readings was so great (and the feedback so wonderful and encouraging) that I decided to open my online business to attempt to help other people, all over the world with questions and dilemmas that they may have.

To date, the business has been doing really well, building up a loyal and happy-to-recommend client base, and allowed me help people with some issues they have not even told their best friend or closest family member.  It has been a very rewarding experience and I have learned much about myself also through this process. 

As with any business it would be lovely to be able to reach more people, and unlike many online card reading businesses the main aim for Aravelle Angel is not making millions through charging extortionate amounts for readings which are computer generated or expecting people to pay £1.50 for a text message or per minute on a premium rate phone number. Instead Aravelle Angel strives to help people understand the path that they are current walking and that despite appearances to the contrary they create their own reality.

Aravelle Angel readings are very much based in the field of Law of Attraction and therefore are very empowering as the messages I recieve from the angels show people where they may be blocking what they want to come to them, most of the time subconsciously, and what they can do to remove this block or get back on their true path. 

Every single reading is unique, each one written for the person requesting the reading, and again unlike other card reading business I am happy for people to email me after they have recieved their reading with feedback or questions, in fact I welcome this as I truly do wish to be any assistance I can.

So if you are new to Aravelle Angel or you have known about it for some time, welcome to the blog created to share messages from the angels and help staying on the path of Law of Attraction.

Love, Light & Blessings,
Helen xxx

Aravelle Angel ~ Ask an Angel ~ http://www.aravelleangel.co.uk/